Books Search Results
for: Judith Butler
- title
- The Force of Nonviolence : An Ethico-Political Bind
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Parting Ways : Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- The Livable and the Unlivable
- author
- Butler, Judith, Worms, Frederic
- title
- Bodies That Matter : On the Discursive Limits of Sex
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Precarious Life : The Powers of Mourning and Violence
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Frames of War : When is Life Grievable?
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Gender Trouble : Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Vulnerability in Resistance
- author
- Butler, Judith, Gambetti, Zeynep, Sabsay, Leticia
- title
- Who's Afraid of Gender?
- author
- Judith Butler
- title
- Contingency, Hegemony and Universality : Contemporary Dialogues on the Left : Set 5
- author
- Zizek, Slavoj, Laclau, Ernesto, Butler, Judith
- title
- The Force of Nonviolence : The Ethical in the Political
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- What World Is This? : A Pandemic Phenomenology
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Undoing Gender
- author
- Butler, Judith (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- title
- Dispossession : The Performative in the Political
- author
- Butler, Judith, Athanasiou, Athena
- title
- Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly
- author
- Butler, Judith
- title
- Taboo Memories, Diasporic Voices
- author
- Ella Shohat
- title
- Transgender Rights
- author
- Currah, Paisley, Juang, Richard M., Minter, Shannon Price
- title
- An Apartment in Uranus
- author
- Preciado, Paul B., Despentes, Virginie, Mandell, Charlotte
- title
- Why Internet Porn Matters
- author
- Grebowicz, Margret
- title
- Palestine in a World on Fire : A Global Conversation
- author
- Natanel, Katherine & Pappé, Ilan
- title
- Criticism and Politics : A Polemical Introduction
- author
- Robbins, Bruce
- title
- Everything, All the Time, Everywhere : How We Became Postmodern
- author
- Jeffries, Stuart
- title
- Queer: A Graphic History
- author
- Barker, Meg-John, Scheele, Jules
- title
- Self-Defense : A Philosophy of Violence
- author
- Dorlin, Elsa, Aarons, Kieran
- title
- Still Mad : American Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination
- author
- Gilbert, Sandra M, Gubar, Susan
- title
- Transecology : Transgender Perspectives on Environment and Nature
- author
- Vakoch, Douglas A.
- title
- Enemy Feminisms: TERFs, Policewomen, and Girlbosses Against Liberation
- author
- Sophie Lewis