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Cover for: The Feminist Film Guide : 100 great films to see (that also pass the Bechdel test)

The Feminist Film Guide : 100 great films to see (that also pass the Bechdel test)

Mallory Andrews More by this author...£15.00Out 12 May 2022

In the wild west of streaming platforms, it's hard to check off every classic on the list, let alone every new film. We've all fallen victim to scrolling through page after page on Netflix, confused and lost while the popcorn goes stale. To save us from indecision and getting tricked by flashy trailers, A Modern Movie Guide is here to guide us through the veritable jungle of cinema in the 21st century.

But these aren't just good films: they're Bechdel test approved. Yes: women talk to each other, about something other than men, in every one of these 100 movies. (We know we shouldn't still need this guide, but here we are.)A curated selection of great modern films that span genres, this illustrated guide is the perfect gift for everyone from film buffs to your friends who can't stop arguing about which movie to choose.

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