Banais na Bliadhna
Maureen MacLeod More by this author...£7.99- Fiction
- Romance
- Gaelic
Banais na Bliadhna (The Wedding of the Year) Banais eile, preasantan a bharrachd, agus cosgais mhor nan luib. Tha Anna seachd sgith dheth, is i aig bord nan singilteach a-rithist. Ach an turas seo tha fireannach ann a tha den aon bharail mu bhainnsean, agus moladh dana aige.
Carson nach pos iadsan? Gheibh iad airgead agus preasantan miorbhaileach, agus an uair sin dh'fhaodadh iad dealachadh bho cheile. De an cron? Cha deidheadh cail cearr. Relegated to the singletons' table at yet another wedding, Anna is fed up with forking out for her friends' extravagant presents.
Newlyweds won't settle for a toaster and a set of towels; they want balloon trips across the Serengeti. If only there was a way for her to enjoy all the treats she's been lavishing on her friends. And then she meets Donald - equally cynical about weddings and totally up for a charade that will deceive everyone they know.
Banais na Bliadhna (The Wedding of the Year) takes a swipe at big fat weddings, cutting through the lace and icing to the ruthless consumerism beneath. It's a comedy of manners for everyone who has ever gazed in horror at a wedding list, or wondered if they've made the right decision - about those sherry glasses, or about the person they've chosen to spend their life with. The Lasag Gaelic readers series offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.